Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Not so bad

Of course, the reality of last night's karate class was so much better than the fear I had built up about it. I didn't have a problem keeping up. It was definitely a work out, but I didn't get over exerted. I wasn't the only one sweating either which made me feel better.

Most of the classes are 45 minutes long. When I looked at the schedule, I didn't pay attention to the fact that Monday and Wednesday nights are 1 hour 15 minutes long. So there I am sweating and watching the clock, only to learn that I am there for the long haul.

The kids have been enjoying the class as well. Yesterday in their class, they got to fight each other with canes. I was really worried when he paired the two sisters together, but luckily he was smart enough to stand right by them so they didn't kill each other. He was also quick to point out that you don't practice it at home.

The only thing that did happen was that when I got home and went to bed, I was having a hard time breathing. I got up and took a puff off the inhaler and then felt shaky. I wasn't sure if I was shaky because i was in a lunge for over an hour or because my sugar was low. So I got out of bed and had a snack and was still shaky so it must be the muscles. That should mean I'll be nice and sore tomorrow.

Monday, August 20, 2007


I go to my first adult karate class tonight. I am pretty nervous. I have this exercise fear. I am afraid I can't keep up or that I will embarrass myself. I went last week and had a hard time getting a uniform. It is going to be almost the largest size. I will have to hem the pants and sleeves. I did my initial class where they teach you the basics. I've done karate before so my form was fine, but I was sweating. It really wasn't that active that day, but having been so sick this summer, I am completely deconditioned.

On Saturday, they have a parent and child class that I did. I was able to do the whole class, but my face was bright red and I was sweating up a storm. My oldest daughter, age 9, didn't make it any easier when she looked at me and asked why I was sweating. I told her that the class was hard for me and she scoffed at me. I tried to explain that anytime you go from not exercising at all to doing a moderate activity for 45 min, it is hard especially if you are fat. I think I got the message through, but it hurt my feelings.

I know that it will only take a couple of weeks before I feel more capable to exercise. I also am excited by the thought that doing karate 3 times a week and then maybe teaching aqua fitness 4-6 times a week will help my weight melt off now that my body is working. I am so happy that I realized that I need to teach exercise classes. I really think that this will help my future health.

Friday, August 17, 2007


I am finally, finally getting my energy back. Just the last 2 weeks or so, I have noticed a huge difference. I have a lot of new things I am excited about.

I went and got certified to teach an aquatic arthritis class. My hope was that I could go back to the Y and do one aqua fit class and 2 arthritis classes on Tuesday/Thursday. It looks like that is not going to work out because the people in those classes aren't ready to give them up. I plan to go talk to the director and see if I can start some Monday/Wednesday classes. I also have a few other gyms I am talking to. I really want to do a total of 4-6 classes a week. I thought that maybe if some of them were therapeutic, I wouldn't get as bored. It will be fine if I end up doing all aqua fit and no therapy.

I am also starting karate with the kids. I've done karate before and loved it. The place I am going to had a good family rate. I plan to do that 3 times a week.

I am hoping that with all this exercise and my body starting to work, I will really see the weight drop off.