Friday, August 17, 2007


I am finally, finally getting my energy back. Just the last 2 weeks or so, I have noticed a huge difference. I have a lot of new things I am excited about.

I went and got certified to teach an aquatic arthritis class. My hope was that I could go back to the Y and do one aqua fit class and 2 arthritis classes on Tuesday/Thursday. It looks like that is not going to work out because the people in those classes aren't ready to give them up. I plan to go talk to the director and see if I can start some Monday/Wednesday classes. I also have a few other gyms I am talking to. I really want to do a total of 4-6 classes a week. I thought that maybe if some of them were therapeutic, I wouldn't get as bored. It will be fine if I end up doing all aqua fit and no therapy.

I am also starting karate with the kids. I've done karate before and loved it. The place I am going to had a good family rate. I plan to do that 3 times a week.

I am hoping that with all this exercise and my body starting to work, I will really see the weight drop off.


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