Monday, January 07, 2008

Word of the year

Someone sent me a link to a great article talking about resolutions. It was interesting because it said that when we make a resolution, we are only addressing the problem and not the root cause. They had a list of words to choose from. Instead of making a resolution, you choose your word and use it to help you stay focused. For example, instead of saying you want to get more organized or lose weight, the word release may apply. If you focus on that word, you may be able to get rid of your clutter or figure out why you over eat. Here is a link to the website, I am still trying out my word, but I think it will be "effortlessness". All my life, I've taken the hard way or at least imagined I did. Maybe some of this can be easy.

I have been doing well with eating what I want, but in smaller portions and adding more veggies. It was amazing because I had such a great feeling going into the weekend. There was none of the turmoil of transistioning from a dieting week to a fun weekend. I didn't have to feel guilty about anything I ate and therefore I made better choices when I was out instead of splurging. It was really pretty cool.


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