Feeling Great!
I have been disappointed the last few weeks because I had gotten all excited about starting karate and teaching water aerobics again and then it was a big waiting game. I went to karate 3 times and then had something with the kids' school every week on karate days. For 2 Saturdays in a row, the karate place was closed. Finally this week, I went on Monday and will make it on Thursday and Saturday. Three times a week was my goal.
I was also disappointed because the gym I want to work for isn't "auditioning" new instructors until next week. This week I decided to get a 7 day pass so I can see how the other instructors teach their classes. There were some things the other teachers did that I really liked and others that I thought I would do differently. It was a big confidence booster because even though I am overweight, I think I am a good teacher. It also helped because I tried really hard to push myself in the water and still didn't feel like I got my heart rate up.
I was just really happy to find that I can handle all of this activity without being exhausted. I think that the thryoid and pneumonia really shook my confidence in what I am capable of. I have been having asthma this week with allergies and still felt great doing all this exercise. I intellectually know that exercise makes your body feel capable and your mind happy, but in reality still have a bit of exercise fear. My friend asked me to take a walk today and my first inclination was no. I started to come up with a bunch of excuses but decided to go instead. We really didn't walk far or fast but it felt good to make the decision to move instead of sitting around. Maybe there is hope for me yet.
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