Endo report/new word
It is funny to see how much of a 180 I have down in the past 2 years. Two years ago, I was becoming very anti-medicine. Today I feel like a walking pharmacy. The biggest thing for me was to accept that the medicine is really making a difference in my quality of life where the naturopathic way did not. I still believe in naturopathy for many conditions. For myself, my allergies were never relieved with Western medicine. I even had sinus surgery. It wasn't until I did accupuncture, Chinese herbs, and had better nutrition that I saw a difference. It is an entirely different story with my endocrine system.
I think now that I know the symptoms of diabetes and hypothyroidism, I always had them on some level. I really did try naturopathy for them and went as far as a raw foods diet for a while. I never found the amazing health benefits of a raw food diet that a lot of people do. Since going on medicine, I feel tons better. I have so much more energy and I have the desire to eat healthier. My food obsession has left me and I am exercising more.
I went to the endoconoligist this week and things look pretty good. My sugar levels are almost normal but still slightly high. She wanted me to slightly increase my dosage. I told her that I have been tired lately so she added another thyroid medicine. This is supposed to give me increased energy (and possibly weight loss). The main down side is that it makes some people jittery. I haven't experienced that yet but I kind of like that feeling anyway.
I also changed my word this week to "achieve". I am hoping this will help with procrastination.