If only for me
I have decided that I am still going to write in this blog even if I am the only person reading it. It can be like my own healthy journey journal (say that 3 times fast). I have been doing karate twice a week and last week I taught water aerobics twice. It felt great to do it again. I have a dilemma now. I was subbing at the Y for my old class. The lady that is teaching it has a health issue. If she doesn't come back, I can have the class. Of course, I am still awaiting the other gym. I think that they will have a new schedule out in November. Hopefully it will all work out. It would be great to do the Y class in the water, four classes out of the water at 24 Hour, and karate 2-3 times a week. That would be awesome.
I am also eating a lot less. I haven't really been making healthy choices. The thought of vegetables isn't turning me on these days. I want comfort food, but I am eating a lot less of what I am eating. I am trying so hard not to think about the scale. I am on the diabetes and thyroid medicine so my body is working again. The weight will happen when I am consistently eating less and moving more.
I've been thinking a lot about medicine lately. I really think it is an individual choice whether to go the medicine route or to try alternative means. I have seen people have huge success with the alternative route. I myself had amazing results with allergies and accupuncture. Since I have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and diabetes, I have been questioning if I would be here if I had fully committed and stuck with a raw food diet. I really believe that for myself, it would not have worked. I didn't feel any different on raw foods. I never had great results. It was so much effort with little pay off for me.
I am realizing now that I have had sugar and hormone issues my entire life. Last week, I went to karate and worked out too hard. I ended up with a migraine. I have been getting them off and on for many years when I get over exerted. Someone mentioned that it could have been low blood sugar. I have paid more attention this week and have been able to avoid it. I have tested after exercise and seen that my blood sugar is dipping. Once or twice I had to drink some soda or juice. This week at karate, I ate a little bar right before class and I was fine. I worked out hard and my face was bright red but my blood sugar level was within normal and I have no headache. It is amazing that no one thought of low sugar as a reason for the migraines.