Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Joining weight watchers

I go back to the doctor today to have my thyroid retested. The couple of weeks, I was so tired. Then I had some energy back for a week and a half. I was exercising and everything. This past week, I have been exhausted again and having allergy problems. I did decide to see an endocinologist because of the sugar issue too, but she can't see me until JULY!

I finally bit the bullet and decided to go to Weight Watchers. It has worked for me in the past. I usually run into 2 problems. The first is that I stop being accurate in counting what I am eating and the second is that I get get bored and cocky and feel I can stop the meetings and continue on my own. I know that I can't continue on my own.

I've been thinking about my weight journey and where it has led me. I have learned a lot from the raw foods culture but also know that it isn't for me. There are definitely recipes I will eat every week, but I never felt a difference when I ate raw. It is interesting because I talk to so many people who feel tons better immediately. I think back to every way of eating and how they all have advocates. I think that our bodies are all different and we need to find what works for us. Eliminating food groups is not the way for me.

The other method that in of itself provided a lot of tools but wasn't the end all for me was strictly using your mind to not eat emotionally, the theory of "not dieting". I am now going to try to utilize everything I've learned with the Weight Watchers program. I am going to try my hardest to do this week by week instead of looking ahead and trying to calculate when all the extra weight will be gone. I also will stop working for Ritamarie at the end of April. My hope is to spend the month of May meditating, working on an exercise plan I can sustain through summer with the kids, and seeing my counselor to work on ways to integrate my adult and child selves and find alternatives to eating for fun.

So hopefully I am in a different place than when I have started other things and by using bits and pieces of everything I have learned I will get this figured out.


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