Friday, December 01, 2006

Fours and a Half Days Free From Compulsive Eating

I am on a little high right now. This program is really working for me. There are definitely some hard challenges, but right at this moment I am doing great. Sunday night was the night when I started using this program. I had a very hard time Tuesday night and half the day Wednesday. Since then, the challenges have been easier. One reason I really like this is that you are separating the compulsion from the fueling your body. It also really helps that I am able to call Mari and her associates when I am having a hard time.

Basically, I have this script that I say when I am having a compulsive desire. In the different parts of the script, you acknowledge the desire to eat compulsively, you affirm that you have a choice and can eat compulsively, you recognize that when you do, you do so all the time, and then you make a choice. Obviously this is a simplification of it, but you get the jist. I was prepared for the food thoughts and cravings. I was not prepared for the emotional doubt and self-talk. After a very serious bout with doubt in myself, I have been feeling a lot easier about this program. I hope this means I've hit a turning point. It has been amazing because I have made good food choices and haven't over eaten all week. Even today, I went to lunch with Charlie and ordered whatever I wanted. While I was eating, I kept moving things off my plate and onto his. All of this was done almost subconsciously and not because I felt I SHOULD. Hopefully it will continue to work this well and I will beat this once and for all and can fuel my body as needed.


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