Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Found a program

I talked to my counselor and the emotional eating group she suggested isn't forming a new group until February. I was feeling discouraged and was looking for alternatives. Ritamarie had been on a teleconference with someone who knew someone who wrote a book on emotional eating and offers classes. The downside is that the classes are in Portland. After emailing back and forth, Mari (the author) and I decided to do some phone coaching. I think it is going to work out great. She said that it is definitely a program that I will be following and not just counseling. She will sit with her class notes and guide me through the steps. Mari was quick to make the distinction that we would be working on the addiction issue and not messing around with why I have an addiction. I think this is exactly what I need. In tandem, I will work with my counselor, Lee, on why I have an addiction. I'm getting excited about finally freeing myself from my food obsession.


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