Tuesday, September 05, 2006

healthy eating and kids

My allergies were horrible all weekend compounded by my poor eating habits all weekend. We ate dinner out on Friday which wasn't too bad because I ordered a salad. On Saturday, Charlie and I went to the UT game and ate all sorts of crap. Of course I got a migraine and had to take medicine. It seems to cycle from there. I eat poorly because it's quick and easy and what I'm craving when I'm on medicine. I then feel worse and need more medicine.

Poor Jessie had a hard time today. She woke up with an asthma attack and then started throwing up. Now she has a fever. I took her to see Ritamarie today and we talked about nutrition and eating habits. It is so hard to change the eating habits of a child. I never want her to develop an eating disorder later because we were too strict now. I also don't want her to have a lifetime of allergy problems. I don't know where the balance is. Hopefully we will figure it out soon.


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