Trying to make changes slowly (again)
I am trying to make a few health changes at a time in the hopes that I will actually stick to them. This week, I am concentrating on water intake and supplements. I am also seeing how far I am willing to go with eliminating dairy. I found a 2.2 liter water container that I think will help me drink enough water so far day 2 is going well. I also have been doing a good job on my supplements. Milk is easy for me to give up, it is cheese that is hard. I am going to try to make some more dehydrated nut cheeses and see if that helps. It really satisfied me went I went raw. I am thinking about an ice cream maker again. We'll see how it goes. I have to keep reminding myself to be kind to myself and not beat myself up about my weight. If I make too many changes at once, I won't stick to them. This week, I convinced the girls to try 2 dairy free days also. Maybe by making small changes, I can bring the family along for the ride.
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