Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Third day syndrome

I swear that the third day of trying to break any habit is the hardest. Everyone I talk to has a problem on the third day. Today is my third day of my second round of not eating cooked foods. I shouldn't even have third day syndrome because I did still eat raw last week just not as much. Apparently that doesn't matter because I am having a rough day. Of course I don't have a whole lot prepared, I am feeling lazy about preparing food, and nothing sounds really tasty. I forgot Becca's lunch this morning so I called Charlie to see if he wanted to deliver it to her. He sounded disappointed because he thought I was inviting him to lunch. I finished my errands a bit early so I called him and told him that I would take him to lunch but of course he had already gone through a drive thru. Of course, that left me with leftover raw pizza, which isn't appealing this time around or leftover carrot parsnip fettucine. I ate the fettucine but I'm not happy about it. I guess I do get points. Now I am trying to forget that we have natural Cheetos in the pantry.

Today I've eaten (or plan to eat):
one bite sausage biscuit
green powder
carrot parsnip fettucine
raw homeade chocolate "Mounds"
I plan to make raw quiche for dinner

One of these days, I will start exercising again and I think I will start seeing more results then.


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