Monday, April 10, 2006

Day 9

I am not having a good food day, psychologically. I haven't been really craving any specific cooked foods, but I am not interested in my raw foods. I just want something cooked today. It's not even a taste bus thing. I went to my friend Lisa's, and she had a bean and corn salsa and I wasn't interested at all. I think this is more in the realm of WHY DO I HAVE TO DO THIS!!! I am trying to remember why I am doing this. I remember my list: allergies, weight, energy, general health; but it doesn't seem to be making a big difference right now. My skin has excema patches that are itchy (allergies or detox). My allergies are a lot better but not gone. I broke down and took an allergy pill this morning (it made me really shaky half the day). I'm not exhausted but can't say that I have new huge amounts of energy. I can tell that the raw diet is helping with everything and that it is early in the game still, but it doesn't feel worth it to me right now. I think the word I am looking for is resentment.

I also have to figure out what to take to an Easter potluck. I figure some pizza, corn chips and guacamole, and chocolate coconut truffles. I know that these events should be about the company and not the food but that is a huge mind shift for me. It has been a lot about the food my whole life. I think I am just feeling sorry for myself. I hope that this goes away soon. I don't wallow in self-pity very well. I plan to keep to my 30 day strict 100 percent raw and hope that the changes are yet to come.


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