Thursday, April 06, 2006

Day 5

I am feeling pretty good today. I haven't had a burst of energy like yesterday but I'm not needing a nap either. Part of my energy problem today could have something to so with my five year old needing to be attached to me and talking constantly. She's probably sucking any extra energy I may have. That's okay. She is actually being pretty sweet. I register her for Kindergarten next Monday. I am both sad and ecstatic.

My corn chips came out okay. They aren't exactly how I imagined they would be. I might play with the recipe some. I bet that adding some kelp would help. Maybe when I have them with guacamole tonight they will taste better.

Today I have more sushi chips in the dehydrator and I made these awesome chocolate chip cookies with walnuts, raw cacao, agave, and coconut. Becca (my 5 year old) doesn't think they taste like chocolate chip cookies. Jessie (8) hasn't tried them yet. Jessie was horrified to see my bean sprouts last night. I had to assure her that my dinner didn't gross me out as much as it did her.

I'm excited because on Saturday, we are attending an all raw birthday party. I think that I'm not going to tell the kids that the food is healthy and see what they like.


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