Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Day 3 - later

Okay this is really weird but I am not hungry at all. It really shows how much eating we do is for our heads and not our stomachs. I ended up not really eating dinner because nothing raw seemed appetizing and I 'm not really hungry. This is what I ate today:
green powder
couple bites of canteloupe
curry sushi chips I made (they came out great)
salad with 1/4 avocado, cucumber, mock salmon, and dressing on spinach
lemon coconut cookie
couple bites of canteloupe

I am hoping I don't fall into a trap of eating more of the nut based foods and not as much of the veggies. I am guessing that as long as I eat a salad every day and take the greens powder, I should be fine. I hope that my body will decide at some point that it wants what it needs and I will crave the raw veggies. I've always liked veggies cooked but not always raw. I am hoping my taste buds change.

Charlie is going to kill me but I am already talking about maybe eventually being 75% raw instead of 100%. I am dreaming of eating real food sometimes at dinner. Not a good thing to be tinking about on day 3.


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