Sunday, April 09, 2006

Outlaw Scales!

This is why they tell people to throw out their scales. The scale says I am about 245. That's only 2.5 pounds less. I have a confession to make. I've been weighing myself everyday. I know I'm not supposed to but I am a scale addict. Yesterday morning the scale said I was about 241. That's 3 pounds less than today and a total of 6 pounds. I did eat too much last night but it was all raw. On top of that, I did end up taking allergy medicine last night which I'm sure made me retain water. On the plus side, something amazing happened in the middle of the night. The paunch I have above my waistline has significantly gotten smaller. I know it happened overnight because yesterday I was trying to pick out clothes to wear to the party that would make it look smaller. We'll take a vote on the scale thing. Let me know if you guys think I should pitch the scale or do at least weekly weighings.


At 9:55 PM, Blogger Traci Reece said...

I agree with Christa. But will add to that: dump the scale. How do you ***feel***? That should be your measure of success. Maybe the scientest in you wants a number to shoot for. Weight, size, BMI, etc... but it's all relative anyway. YOU have the power, not that number!

:) traci


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