Monday, April 24, 2006

Day 23

I am making progress on the guilt thing. I went to a friend's house today. They are from Iran and are she is a very gracious host. Everytime I go over there, she has food set out. She has a 4 year old and a 3 month old. Before we went over today, I told her that I didn't want her to feel like she had to set anything out. We just wanted to visit. I didn't think we would be there through lunch so it shouldn't be a problem. When we got there, she started talking about how isolated she was feeling. We ended up staying later than I had planned. I told her about eating raw foods. I was a little vague about how strict I am being. We are more aquaintances than friends so I didn't want to get into it. Well, one thing led to another and she wanted to order pizza for lunch. I told her that we should see if they could deliver a salad because I was more in the moos for that. Of course, the salad was brown and wilted. I ate a portion of it anyway (with the ranch dressing). I also ate a slice and a half of pizza and a half of a tuna sandwich. I really had to struggle not to feel guilty. I have to keep telling myself that I did fairly well. It is so hard for me not to second guess myself, but I think I am making progress. This time it only took me one phone call to a friend and about an hour of self-doubt. On the physical side, I feel stuffed and bloated.

My allergies ended up getting pretty bad last night. I took a Benadryl and nose spray. So in one day ended up needing eye drops, eczema cream, nose spray, and Benadryl. Today I had a hangover from the medicine. I am going to try to drink tons of water and Vitamin C to flush it out.

Tonight I will either have a nice salad or raw nachos. It depends if my tummy feels better from lunch.


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