Saturday, April 15, 2006

Day 14

Well, I had my first non-raw meal today. I actually feel pretty good about it. Charlie started talking about going out to eat. Then my friend called and I ended up bringing my bottle of organic, sulfite free wine over to her house. After finishing the bottle, we all started talking about going out to eat. I have to hand it to Lisa, she had researched on the web all the places we could go to get raw food. The only problem is they are all far away and Charlie is playing the Easter vigil mass with his choir, so we were on a limited time schedule. Lisa even said that next time she goes to Whole Foods downtown, she is going to buy food to stick in her freezer for times like this. After thinking about it for a while, I decided I wanted to go out. I like what will happen on this diet but I've always said that I still want to be able to occasionally go out and enjoy myself with friends. It just shouldn't be the worst thing on the menu and it shouldn't be every week. I'm actually pretty proud of myself. We went to the Oasis. They automatically put out chips and salsa and we ordered queso. I was able to eat a few chips without shoving my face in the bowl and devouring the whole thing. I was satisfied with what I had and made sure I was aware of how much I was taking. For dinner I ordered a shrimp fajita salad. I know that I probably could have ordered a salad and asked for only raw stuff, but the shrimp sounded good to me. It had cooked onions and pepper, guacamole, greens,cheese and a vinegarette. I have to say that I liked the shrimp, but the cheese didn't interest me. I ended up eating about half the salad and packing the rest up for home. I told my husband that he could have the leftovers. I ate two bites of the kids' chicken and cheeseburger. I ate like two french fries also. I was very proud of myself because I was very aware of the menu. The salad really was the item that appealed the most to me. I feel like my goal is to eat raw 100 percent of the time at home. If friends want to go out or Charlie and I want to go to dinner every once in a while, that is fine. I think that if I can live this way I won't degenerate back into fast food once a week. I also ordered water instead of the diet cola I wanted. I figured that I wasn't justified in punting the whole thing. My plan for tomorrow's potluck is to eat my raw foods. If there is something I am absolutely dieing to try I will allow myself no more than one bite of it to taste. What do you guys think of this? Is this a breakthrough or am I just justifying a night of cheating? What I did tonight didn't feel like cheating to me. What do you guys think?


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