I was thinking the other day about why sometimes it is easier to make life changes than others. I think in my case, a lot of it has to do with whether I am forcing the change. When I tried to go raw before, it was a forced change. I enjoyed the food but felt denied when I couldn't eat what I wanted. I also was spending so much energy on finding raw food to satisfy my cravings, that it made eating harder and more time consuming. Last week when I was making my grocery list, I started looking through raw recipes again. My goal was to juice in the mornings (not hard because I've already been doing that) and to eat raw at lunch (again, not too hard because I am with Ritamarie). Last week I stopped myself from making too many raw dinners because I didn't know if I would feel denied after eating raw all day. This turned out to be a good thing because instead of forcing it last week, this week I naturally decided I only want salad and fish/chicken/meat for dinners. I bought a whole bunch of different things and dressing to put on the salads so they taste different each night. We'll see how it goes but I don't think that is a bad progression for one week.
I did very well with exercise last week also. I really think that it is easier to take care of your health when you have a schedule. I woke with the kids all week and after they went to school, I worked out. I then had enough time to shower and get to work. It was perfect. I even decided to let Fridays be my fun workout day and instead of heading to the gym, did a dance workout on cable. I swear, I may be healthy yet.
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